Doing the Truth in Love by Michael Himes

  • "Augustine speaks of restlessness of our hearts, which can only be satisfied by God. Sometimes we might try to say that a single deep relationship makes us completely satisfied, though this is incomplete and will leave us restless and unsatisfied" (39).
  • "Evil is, by definition, what should not be. So if you construct a system of the universe that adequately explains why evil exists within it, you have justified it, and then it is no longer evil. Evil is always that which cannot be finally explained because it is what ought not to be. Its being is self-contradictory" (70). --> what if this explanation is satisfactory?
  • "If the very source and ground of being, God, is self-gift, then it follows that if you really want to be human, give yourself away. To the extent that you choose not to give yourself, to that extent you do not fully exist" (77).
  • "We must never separate truth and love. Never sacrifice the truth to what you think is love of the neighbor. There is no real love in disguising reality from someone because we ear that it will hurt him or her or because we worry that he or she will be unable to deal with it. Never sacrifice loving your neighbor to what you think is the proclamation of the truth...The great moral achievement is to speak the truth lovingly and to love truthfully...We are called to do the truth in love" (92).
  • "But by calling our faith 'universal,' we do not simply mean that is is supposed to embrace the whole world. We also mean that it embraces the whole person, that there is no aspect of your life or mine with which this faith is unconcerned" (104).
  • "The beatitudes are challenges to our imagination. They are to be concretized in our lives so that they are not ideal truths but realized truths. They are not to be accepted or believed; they are to be done" (143).