Pensées and Other Writings by Blaise Pascal

(New York: Oxford University Press, 2020-04-23), 320

Penseés by Blaise Pascal

  • Pascal's wager: "I should be much more frightened of being wrong and finding out that the Christian religion was true than of being wrong in believing it to be true." (6)
  • The unity of the Old and New Testaments: "The two Testaments look to Jesus Christ, the Old as its expectation and the New as its model, and both have him as their centre." (7)
  • "The true nature of man, his true good, true virtue, and true religion, cannot be known separately." (12)
  • "Happiness is neither outside us nor within us. It is God, both outside and within us." (26)
  • "Respect means to go out of your way for others." (115)
  • "Wisdom leads us back to childhood." (116, cf. Mt-18: "unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven")
  • "Justice without strength is powerless. Strength without justice is tyrannical." (135)
  • "I have often said that man's unhappiness springs from one thing alone, his incapacity to stay quietly in one room." (168)

Created: 2021-03-09-Tue
Updated: 2023-02-05-Sun