Universe of Stone: A Biography of Chartres Cathedral by Philip Ball

(New York: Harper Collins, 2009), 336

Universe of Stone: A Biography of Chartres Cathedral by Philip Ball

  • Chartres Cathedral contains the first known statue of Mary” (62)
  • “Gothic churches display, in a way that Romanesque does not, an overarching vision: a sense of wholeness and coherence.” (63)
  • “I turned my face towards Paris and the thrill of this happy pilgrimage compelled me to confess: ‘Truly the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.’ It came to my mind how the poet said: ‘A happy thing is exile in such a place as this.’” - Peter Abelard (93)

Topic: Architecture, Gothic Architecture



file:(2017-01-23-Universe of Stone)

Created: 2021-03-06-Sat
Updated: 2022-07-20-Wed