The Family & the New Totalitarianism by Michael D. O'Brien
(Belmont, NC: Wiseblood, 2019), 248
Books mentioned:
- Baltimore Catechism (104)
- Faith and Life series by Ignatius Press (106)
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- The Crisis of Western Education by Christopher Dawson (124)
- ~Democracy in America (157)
- The Abolition of Man by C. S. Lewis (162)
- Veritatis Splendor
- Familiaris Consortio
- Evangelium Vitae
- Christianity and the Crisis of Cultures by Joseph Ratzinger
- "God's strength is to be found in weakness" (19)
- "The Church and the family will remain" (24)
- Four tasks for the family (27)
- forming a community of persons
- serving life
- participating in the development of society
- sharing in the life and mission of the Church
- "Neither optimism nor pessimism are Christian viewpoints, for the Christian is ultimately a realist." (28)
- "Education is the arena where the interests of the State and Family overlap, and also where their interest are most likely to conflict." (55)
- "By attempting to make the mysterious understandable he robs the child's world of mystery, and makes it not quite so interesting to search for the meaning of things." (117)
- "The restoration of culture depends upon the restoration of divine order to human affairs." (136)
- John Paul II: "I would a thousand times rather have a persecuted Church than a compromised Church." (145)
- "Unless one is grounded in absolutes, it is very difficult to see the gradual shifting of the center." (224)
- "The lay person's foremost responsibility in the restoration is to pray persistently for our bishops. This prayer must be backed up by fasting and sacrifice." (236)
Created: 2020-01-04
Updated: 2022-03-24-Thu