The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
(New York: Harcourt, 1947), 462
Chapter 2
- Description at the beginning of chapter 2 how France possesses such a diversity and perfection of accomplishments, from bridge building to prayer to logic to theology
- His dad had catholic friends but they were too inarticulate to be able to tell him anything about the church and they were too shy --> we must not be like this
- End of part II: beautiful description of the sacrifice of the liturgy
- Discussion of the importance of catholic schools and importance of sending your children so they don't grow up by the standards of the world
Chapter 3
- The more you try to avoid suffering the more you suffer
- Souls are like athletes - they need opponents worthy of them
Chapter 4
- Fear is inseparable from pride and lust
- Reading Dante Alighieri: 2021-09-16-The Inferno and 2021-11-26-Purgatorio: the title of this book is a nod to the "seven-circled mountain of Purgatory" (135)
Chapter 5
- Literature, poetry, etc make statements about the fundamentals of life that can be made in no other way
- 976
- Virtues are the powers by which we come to acquire happiness
Chapter 3
- Description of the saints and how they are all different but all show us a piece of God
- He knew it was time to move on from St. Bonaventure when it was easy and comfortable and there was not challenging cross to bear
- "And I was enclosed in the four walls of my new freedom"
- When you have grace you are free
- Chapter 3 book 3 description of saints
- Just before epilogue: poem about his brother
- We are called to both contemplation and action in perfection
- Pure contemplation is pure love
Created: 2014-12-10
Updated: 2023-01-04-Wed