An Exorcist Explains the Demonic: The Antics of Satan and His Army of Fallen Angels by Fr. Gabriele Amorth

(Manchester: Sophia, 2016), 145

  • the Devil flees from holiness: "Beyond a certain limit, the devil is not able to resist the power of prayer and fasting." (24)
  • When someone curses, respond with a short prayer: "Jesus, I love You," or "Blessed be Jesus" (56)
  • Levels of demonic activity (66+):
    • Diabolical possession
    • Diabolical vexation
    • Diabolical obsession
    • Diabolical infestation
  • Married couples: pray together, and pray with your children (91)
  • Rite of exorcism (99):
    • Roman Ritual of Paul V (1614)
    • Ritual of Exorcisms and Prayers for Particular Circumstances (1998)
  • Mary is particularly effective against Satan: "I feel more humiliated being conquered by a simple creature than by God Himself." (123)
    • Also, the rosary is a powerful weapon
  • The souls in purgatory can also intercede for us (126)
  • Invoke the saints, especially (126):
    • Blessed Eustance
    • St. Pio of Pietrelcina
    • St. Catherine of Bologna
    • John Paul II
    • The Angels
  • "Our life, our earthly pilgrimage, and our suffering are not the fruit of a blind randomness; rather they are ordered for our greater good and definitive friendship with God." (133)
  • "In his will is our peace." (Divine Comedy - Paradiso, canto 3, line 85, cited on pg 135)
  • Pascal: "Meditation on hell has filled paradise with saints." (141)

Topic: Exorcism

Created: 2020-10-18
Updated: 2022-10-08-Sat